I'm a new mom just trying to get back in the habit of studying my scriptures everyday again. This blog holds me accountable :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Forgiving Others Cont.

So, I've been reading some conference talks and rereading the Joseph Smith manual...I found a couple more quotes that I think I will use out of the manual and Gordon B Hinckley wrote an excellent talk on forgiving that I definitely want to use. I think that what I am trying to get across is that forgiving isn't just important when in comes to the big things (people backstabbing or turning against you.) There are many little everyday things that we need to be forgiving of. These little things can completely change our outlook on life and on others if we are forgiving. I am going to use the book "Bonds That Make us Free" written by a member to show examples of the little things. I am excited about it, now it is just a matter of organizing the discussion and coming up with some good open-ended questions.

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