I'm a new mom just trying to get back in the habit of studying my scriptures everyday again. This blog holds me accountable :)

Friday, June 19, 2009


I've been looking over my lesson...I'm a little nervous about it so I hope if any of you are there you will comment and answer some of the questions I ask!!! Tomorrow I won't be writing because I am photographing a wedding and will be gone most of the day...Also Father's Day will be a crazy day so Happy Father's Day - and good luck to all the Mother's who are trying to do something special for their husbands! I hope it's a good day for everyone!


Natasha Gwynn said...

You did great on your lesson! You looked nervous before hand but once you got up there, we couldn't tell if you were still nervous. I think you did a great job!

I asked Eula after RS today about your question about what materials are okay to use for the lesson. I was going to respond to your question last night (that's when I read it) but I wasn't quite sure I remembered the rules exactly and I didn't want to give you wrong information. She told me you are supposed to stick to the manual and scriptures for quotes. I told her you had asked about it so she might tell you also. Even though your lesson had other materials in it, I thought it was very good - I love that book "The Bonds That Make Us Free". It makes so much sense but is hard for me to apply :-)

Brook said...

Forgiving is hard for me so it is always a good lesson for me to hear. I'm ok at the day to day forgiving but there is one particular grudge in my life that I can't let go. I wanted to ask a question during your lesson but I felt dumb so I'll just ask you...

How do you forgive someone who doesn't know they've done anything wrong and who isn't sorry when you know they will continually hurt you. I've been asking myself this question since I was a little girl and it just seems impossible to me. I've prayed and prayed about but never get that peace. You know?

Great lesson by the way. Sorry I only was there for the tail end!