I'm a new mom just trying to get back in the habit of studying my scriptures everyday again. This blog holds me accountable :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Alma 2

WARNING: If you don't want to hear my view on politics then don't read this post.

This chapter is awesome! It is the story of Amilici and his attempt to reinstate a monarchical government and become king by using his cunningness and wisdom of the world. In the manual it says "this is another example of how wicked men sometimes seek governmental power in order to enforce their will on others. It also teaches that there are times when righteous people must take up arms to defend their laws and liberty."

I know that I shouldn't bring politics into my scripture reading, but I am today...sorry for those of you that don't agree with me, but I have to get this off my chest.

Amilici had intentions to change their government to ways of the world and in a way that would compromise the churches laws and liberties. Now, I know that in America we don't need to worry about our freedom of religion. However, when laws keep being put in place to not use certain religious words or actions in public (including schools) it makes me a little frustrated. You can see numerous examples of this in the last few years especially. America is not the nation our forefathers intended it to become.

Another thing that worries me is the current situation we are in. Right now our leaders are supporting abortion, gay marriage, etc. and we are all going along with it! The media is so liberal and so corrupt that when anyone stands up for their values they are slaughtered!! Look at Miss America. Yes, I know that she is not the best example of a virtuous woman, but at least she stood up for the Christian values she had, after which she was called all sorts of profanities on t.v. I know that a LOT of people LOVE our current president. I just really don't see how you can believe in the gospel and the standards and morals of the church and support him!! Honestly!

Okay, I will move onto more about this chapter. Obama, I mean Amlici got all of his followers together (and there were a lot) and led them to war against the righteous Nephites. The Nephites started out with the upper hand, however, soon the Amlicites joined the Lamanites and had the advantage. But, the Nephites had the Lord on their side and "did pursue them with their might, and did slay them." The remainder of the Lamanites were driven into the wilderness and eaten by wild beasts. :)

I think that we need to learn from the Nephites. We need to pursue righteousness with all our mights. We need to stand up for our values and standards and be the examples. We need to pray mightily for the Lord's direction and help and be strengthened by Him in all of our righteous endeavors.

1 comment:

Natasha Gwynn said...

I agree with you. It's sad to see the decay of our country. I wonder how long the Lord will protect our country (or even if He still is) with such wicked and power hungry people leading us. It really is scary to think we are living in the last days and we get to suffer the consequences of the decisions of our leaders and the majority that vote laws and leaders into power :-(