I'm a new mom just trying to get back in the habit of studying my scriptures everyday again. This blog holds me accountable :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I found some notes I had taken about Talents

Talents - responsibility/stewardship
1. Discover (try new things)
2. Willing to spend time & effort
3. Faith that the Lord will help us
4. Faith in ourselves
5. Learn skills necessary
6. Practice our talent
7. Share it

I also looked up some more scriptures:
Ether 12:35 - If Gentiles have not charity, the Lord will take away their talents
D&C 60:2 - the Lord is not pleased with those who hide talents
D&C 82:3 - of him who much is given, much is required
D&C 82:18 - saints to be equal, that every man may improve his talents and gain other talents

The Lord really does give us everything we have - even talents, and we should be looking for ways we can use them to help others, or just share them and lift others. I think that we can be utilizing the talents we already have while we are also gaining other talents. I think that part of sharing our talents is teaching others how to gain the talents we have too.

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