I'm a new mom just trying to get back in the habit of studying my scriptures everyday again. This blog holds me accountable :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Feast Upon the Words of Christ

A scripture quoted often:

2 Nephi 32:3

"Feast upon the words of Christ"

This reminds me of a lesson my dad gave in church one Sunday. It was a fast Sunday so his class was especially hungry (I think it was a younger Sunday School class but I can't remember.) He brought in pictures of food - really yummy-looking food. Of course his lesson was about feasting on the words of Christ. He helped them understand the real meaning of feasting when they thought about how much they wanted to eat and how good food would taste to them. He reminded them that we should be studying the scriptures like we feast after fasting on Sunday. We shouldn't just pick at our "food" or just take one bite and call it good. We should be excited to study the scriptures, dive right into them and enjoy every bite until we are full. (These definitely aren't his exact words)

I think that I have been a casual eater lately, and much more picky that I used to be. I hope this blog will help me feast on the scriptures, and hunger for them like I used to.

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